Registration form
Once you've decided to enrol your child, download and complete our registration form, including your personal details, payment and voucher information and the days and times you require.​
Medical form
As well as the registration form, you will be given a medical form and information leaflet to complete. An online 'all about me' form will be completed to make our staff aware of your child's likes and dislikes.
Settling in sessions
Before your child begins their regular sessions with us, we recommend a couple of prior visits to help familiarise them with their new surroundings and settle them in. We don't charge for settling in sessions.
Our Menus
We have three delicious menus that rotate weekly.
Breakfast on all days is either toast or cereal.
Day | Lunch | Afters | Tea |
Monday | Sausage, mash, peas and gravy. | Angel delight | A selection of sandwiches with tortilla chips |
Tuesday | Jacket potatoes with baked beans and cheese. | Jelly | A selection of wraps |
Wednesday | Pasta Bake. | Shortbread | Fish fingers with bread and butter and tomato sauce |
Thursday | Cottage pie with veg and gravy. | Watermelon wedges and melon wedges | Pitta pockets with a selection of fillings |
Friday | Pizza with sweet potato wedges carrot, pepper and cucumber sticks. | Ice cream | Beans on toast |
Monday | Sweet and sour stir fry with spring rolls. | Flapjack | Crackers and cheese with veg/salad sticks |
Tuesday | Macaroni cheese with garlic bread. | Chocolate Brownie | Spaghetti hoops on toast |
Wednesday | Roast dinner with roast potatoes, yorkshire pudding, carrots and gravy. | Yoghurt | Selection of sandwiches. |
Thursday | Roast chicken, roast potatoes, carrots, stuffing and gravy. | Fairy cake | Hot dogs with tomato sauce. |
Friday | Sausages chips and baked beans. | Traybake sponge with icing and sprinkles | A selection of wraps. |
Monday | Roast dinner with roast potatoes, stuffing, carrots, and gravy. | Fresh fruit selection | Selection of sandwiches with tortilla chips. |
Tuesday | Lasagne with garlic bread, cucumber and tomato wedges. | Traybake sponge with icing and sprinkles | Selection of wraps. |
Wednesday | Chicken curry and rice with naan bread. | Angel delight | Cheese toasties. |
Thursday | Cheese and potato pie with spaghetti hoops. | Ice cream | Selection of pitta pockets. |
Friday | Fish fingers, chips and peas. | Jelly | Cheese straws with a tomato sauce dip. |